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HWY 23, Rural Vulcan County, Alberta

Blog by Rhonda L Anderson | June 3rd, 2019

I just finished uploading this House for sale, HWY 23, Rural Vulcan County, Alberta

10+- acres just north of Vulcan right off the highway.. yes 10 acres.. and it is enough land to move in a few horses, maybe a few toys, and have some room to roam!! This property needs some TLC but the potential is good. Home is solid, basement needs some work, there is a good double det garage and a shop ( Quanset 40 X 72 ) West end is developed into a workshop with heat. The hip roof barn needs a bunch of work and could be torn down and the beautiful barn wood sold or used to make something fabulous!! There is a second little guest house that is pretty basic, but it seems to have a good roof and such. Tons of trees , paddocks, Some un known items about the property. First look you see alot of " stuff" but the owner has someone working at taking it all away. Cannot get into the quonset on the first showing, but if there is interest, we will make that arrangement. Possibility of subdividing for 2 five acre pieces in the future. Good potential .Windows new in 2015. still gathering info